Faculty members?are experienced field archaeologists who inspire students to dig, to search, to illuminate the shadows in human history. Through the?Aarchaeology Field School,?Center for Ancient Studies?and Archaeology,?Hallie Ford Museum of Art,?Salem Society of the Archaeological Institute of America?and others, the program incorporates experts from diverse fields and offers myriad opportunities for practical archaeological experience.

The program is designed to prepare students to advance as academic researchers and forprofessional opportunities?in cultural resource management, environmental consulting, law, education, museums, planning, tourism, and other careers around the world.

Program Information

The study of archaeology provides students with a unique opportunity to analyze ancient cultures from an interdisciplinary perspective. The interpretation of archaeological data requires a solid understanding of the variety of methods used for the study of material culture as well as a familiarity with those disciplines essential for understanding the development of human culture. Thus, the archaeology program provides students with a broad overview of the current state of archaeological research around the world, while at the same time encouraging students to specialize in specific methodologies, geographical regions and/or periods (for example, Archaeology of the Americas or of the Eastern Mediterranean, or Environmental Archaeology). The program seeks to emphasize the practical and intellectual value of archaeology as a means for better understanding our ancient past, as well as shedding light on our present circumstances and our prospects for the future by tracing the development of human culture and the interactions between various civilizations and the natural environment. Because of its interdisciplinary nature, archaeology is a quintessential Liberal Arts major that requires students to integrate their understanding of the natural and social sciences, the arts, and the humanities.The archaeology major is designed both to teach students standard excavation and recording techniques, and to encourage the study of anthropology, art history, classical studies, earth sciences, history, religious studies, statistics, and a variety of other related fields. Students are also strongly advised to study one or more ancient or modern languages related to their geographical area of interest. For example, students of Syro-Palestinean or classical archaeology are well advised to study Hebrew, Greek, and/or Latin, in addition to French and/or German, that is, the languages in which much of the essential secondary literature is written. Finally, Archaeology majors are encouraged to take advantage of the many opportunities for travel and foreign study offered by Willamette programs around the world, but especially in places that offer coursework and/or fieldwork in local archaeology.