If you major in Spanish at SLU, you’ll take part in regularly scheduled extracurricular activities such as movie nights, cultural talks, social service workshops, dance demonstrations, dinners and parties to gain cultural awareness of Spanish and Hispanic issues. You’ll also present a senior thesis at an annual student symposium that attracts students from neighboring colleges and schools, as well as the University.

All students majoring in Spanish are encouraged to spend one year at Saint Louis University’s campus in Madrid. Besides the traditional courses in Spanish language, culture and literature, students at the Madrid campus may select from a wide variety of offerings in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences — many of which are taught in English. Other study abroad opportunities include programs in El Salvador, Mexico, Chile and Ecuador.

Spanish students at SLU can complete an internship that uses their knowledge of the language at one of many businesses, companies or community outreach facilities in St. Louis.

A major in Spanish, especially when complemented by a second major such as international studies, uniquely qualifies students to compete in careers with an international orientation. Graduates may pursue careers in international law, business, economics, government work, foreign service or scientific research.