In addition to preparing you to work as a radiation therapist, an undergraduate degree in radiation therapy is also an excellent choice for students who hope to continue on to medical school. SLU's Doisy College of Health Sciences offers both pre-med and pre-physician assistant curriculum options for students in its radiation therapy program.

What You'll Learn in SLU's Radiation Therapy ProgramSaint Louis University's flexible radiation therapy curriculum allows for diverse areas of study as an undergraduate. Professional coursework in the radiation therapy program is concentrated in your fourth year at Doisy College. Major focus areas for radiation therapists are:

  • Primary care of patients
  • Delivery of treatments using linear accelerators or similar equipment
  • Treatment planning

Radiation therapy students at SLU participate in a clinical practicum at several health care settings in the St. Louis area. This variety of clinical sites allows you to appreciate a variety of departmental structures, ranging from high-end research facilities to community hospitals. Radiation therapy students at SLU also are encouraged to join and participate in the functions of the Saint Louis University Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapeutics Club, in addition to professional organizations in the St. Louis area.

What Can You Do With a Radiation Therapy Degree from SLU?

Graduates with a degree in radiation therapy from SLU work as radiation therapists in hospitals and clinics. You may also pursue careers in:

  • Treatment planning
  • Information technology
  • Health care administration
  • Equipment sales and training
  • Teaching