If you choose to major in philosophy at SLU, you'll gain an appreciation for the Western philosophical tradition, a spirit of intellectual inquiry and a lifelong desire for wisdom. You'll also have access to SLU's Vatican Microfilm Library, the finest resource in the United States for research in medieval and renaissance studies, and to Res Philosophica an international, quarterly journal of philosophy edited by members of SLU's philosophy department.

What You'll Learn in SLU's Philosophy Degree Program

Undergraduate students in SLU's philosophy program can choose from concentrations in historical philosophy, health sciences, or society and law, creating a degree customized to their interests and professional goals.

Visiting scholars, departmental colloquia, lectures, conferences, reading groups and graduate student talks will enrich your philosophy education at SLU. You may also have the opportunity to study abroad at the University of Frankfurt in Germany through the philosophy department's exchange program.

What Can You Do With a Degree in Philosophy from SLU?

An undergraduate degree in philosophy prepares you for any number of career options where clear, concise communication and analytic reasoning is needed. Philosophy majors also often excel on entrance exams for professional programs, making it a firm foundation for future studies in law, business or medicine.