Students in SLU's aviation management program gain aviation knowledge starting in their freshman year. The remaining years of the program provides you with a strong business management core, including skills in:

  • Decision sciences
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • International business
  • Management
  • Advanced coursework for the major addresses airport management, aviation law and air transportation economics, among other topics.

What Can You Do With an Aviation Management Degree from SLU?

Graduates from SLU's aviation management program are well prepared for supervisory, sales, marketing, budgeting and personal management positions in the aerospace industry, including those in the following areas:

  • Airports
  • Aircraft manufacturers
  • Commercial airlines
  • Fixed-base operators
  • Government

Aviation management students at Parks College have the option to minor in three areas, including flight science, where you'll gain flight experience in fixed-wing aviation. On-campus students can also explore the following minors:

Air traffic control: SLU's air traffic control minor consists of 16 credit hours. You'll get hands-on experience in our air traffic control lab, which simulates the air traffic control tower environment, radar facilities and communication with pilots.

Flight science: SLU's flight science minor consists of 19 credit hours, which include flight and ground instruction courses. It is designed for students not already majoring in the program who are interested in obtaining flight certificates and ratings. 

Graduates are eligible to obtain a private pilot certificate, instrument rating, commercial pilot certificate and multiengine rating. Before enrolling, you must possess a Class II FAA Medical Certificate and be able to comply with Transportation Security Administration requirements.