SLU?s graduate programs in mathematics have a very low student-faculty ratio (about one to one). We provide a nurturing yet rigorous and challenging environment.

SLU?s M.A. in mathematics requires 30 credit hours of coursework. The graduate-level courses are centered around four year-long sequences in algebra, analysis, differential geometry and topology. Two of these sequences must be completed for the M.A.

Courses at the advanced graduate level allow you to proceed beyond the standard graduate curriculum into areas of research represented by the faculty. To graduate, you must either write and defend a master?s thesis or pass an oral exam covering three areas of graduate-level mathematics.

All mathematics Ph.D. students at SLU must complete high-level courses in algebra, analysis, topology and differential geometry. As a Ph.D. candidate, you also must pass written exams in three major fields of mathematics, plus a language exam that tests your ability to read mathematical works in French, German or Russian. The capstone is to write and defend a dissertation presenting the results of your research.