Communication Studies is a broad-based discipline concerned with the exchange of messages in interpersonal and mediated situations and with the impact of such exchanges on society. Courses focus on understanding the communication process and developing skills to communicate effectively. The Department offers a wide range of courses in interpersonal, group, and organizational communication, rhetorical theory and criticism, public relations, mass communication and?research methodologies.

Special Features

  • Communication Studies faculty possess professional expertise and academic excellence. Faculty maintain a high level of scholarly publication, creative activity, consulting, and outstanding teaching.
  • The Sacramento State Debate Program is highly ranked nationwide with opportunities for both experienced and beginning debaters.
  • The Department's Internship Program serves over 100 students each semester with internships in government agencies, private industry, TV stations, and public service organizations.
  • The Department sponsors Epsilon Phi, a chapter of the National Communication honors society Lambda Pi Eta. Students eligible for membership participate in a variety of activities and are recognized at the university's graduation ceremony.
  • The Department also sponsors PRSA, our student chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America.

Career Possibilities

Community Relations Director ? Organizational Trainer ? Organizational Newsletter Editor ? Public Information Specialist ? Media Technician ? Organizational Consultant ? Organizational Trainer and Developer ? Personnel Staff ? Public Service Agency Staff ? Corporate Media Director ? Communication Consultant ? Public Relations Professional ? Video Editor ? Video Producer or Director ? Health Educator ? Fund Raiser ? Media Sales and Promotion Staff ? Multimedia Project Manager ? Community College Instructor ? Lobbyist ? Speech Writer ? Minister ? Lawyer ? Politician ? Consumer Market Researcher ? Staff Analyst ? Focus Group Leader ? Political Campaign Staff ? Public Affairs Director ? Advertising Account Executive