The computer science curriculum at Louisiana Tech is designed to provide students with a general education in mathematics, science, and the humanities; an in-depth study of computing, including the practical and theoretical aspects of both hardware and software; and an opportunity for graduate study or a challenging position in industry. Because of the rapid pace of change in the field, the program places primary emphasis on fundamental computing concepts including multi-disciplinary applications.

To prepare our graduates to respond to the needs and challenges of our ever-changing world and instill within them the knowledge, skills, ethics, creativity and critical thinking abilities necessary for professional competence and life-long learning in computing.

Educational Objectives

Graduates of the Computer Science Program are expected within a few years of graduation to have:

  • Established themselves as practicing Computer Science professionals or engaged in advanced study in a related or complementary area.
  • Engaged in professional development in order to remain current in the field for enhanced understanding of current issues in Computer Science.