Students must achieve a grade of C- or better in each of the following courses before they can advance to the next course in the sequence:? BIOL 11000 General Biology 1, BIOL 11500 General Biology 2, and BIOL 22000 Genetics.? Any grade less than a C- requires the student to repeat the class or petition for an exemption.? Students may receive the exemption only once.

Biology majors may take a Biology class only 2 times. If a student has not achieved a minimum of a ?C-? after the second attempt, the student may not repeat the class. Students are allowed to repeat no more than two courses in the program to satisfy the minimum grade requirement.

The Biology Department will award 3 hours of credit for the General Education class BIOL 10000 Introduction to Biology when students have received a score of 4 or 5 on AP tests. No credit is awarded for major classes based on AP scores.