Affiliated with both the Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the School of Medicine and Dentistry, the University of Rochester graduate program in biomedical engineering emphasizes the application of engineering skills to biomedical problem-solving at both the master’s and doctoral level. In addition, the Center for Medical Technology and Innovation (CMTI) offers a one-year MS degree in Biomedical Engineering through the Department of Biomedical Engineering with specialized training in medical device design.

The Department of Biomedical Engineering offers two distinct pathways to a Master of Science degree.

Plan A, Thesis Option

One option is the Plan A or "thesis" master’s. In Plan A, courses are taken both in support of the research project and to broaden the student's educational experience. Plan A is centered on the successful execution and communicate of an in-depth research project. The option requires a thesis defense.

Plan B, Coursework Option

Another option is the Plan B or "coursework" master’s. Plan B focuses on developing an advanced understanding of biomedical engineering principles. Courses are selected to provide depth in an area of the student's interest and to develop an understanding of the breadth of applications in biomedical engineering. This option requires an exit exam.