The methodological approach taken at Simon Business School places strong emphasis on formal modeling of problems and empirical testing of alternative theories.


The first year is designed to give students solid training in microeconomics and econometrics and to introduce them to the basic issues in finance. The Finance Seminars introduce students to the current research topics. 

Students will be required to take courses offered by Simon Business School as well as an Economics Sequence offered through the University of Rochester's Economics Department.  Students are also required to prepare a first year research paper that they will present in the fall of the second year.


The second year is designed to deepen students' knowledge of finance. Students are expected to take PhD-level courses in Finance. In addition, participation in Finance and Applied Economics seminars is required. 

This training prepares the student for the Qualifying Exam. The Qualifying Exam, given at the end of the second year, tests students' abilities to integrate class material and reading requirements by requiring the students to present an original research paper.


In the third year, students move from course work to active research. Continued participation in all Finance and Applied Economics Seminars is required throughout the program.