The PPCM degree is focused on preservation, rather than conservation. Preservation involves proper handling of photographic materials, as well as the most current recommendations for proper environmental conditions in the storage and display of photographs. Student also learn to recognize signs of deterioration and when it is appropriate to consult a conservator. This program does not prepare students to perform treatments on objects, which requires extensive training specific to the field of conservation.

The Photographic Preservation and Collections Management (PPCM) program is designed to address this need.? This Master of Arts degree is the premier program in the United States dedicated to both the study of the photograph as an object and the historic, theoretical, and cultural significance of photographic images.

Combining theoretical insight with practical training, the PPCM program prepares students to work with photographic collections while helping them to develop a holistic understanding of photography, from its history and material processes, to its multiple applications and physical characteristics.? Students learn how make preservation housings, what kind of temperature and humidity controls are needed to preserve photographs, and when to consult a conservator.

Students come from all over the world, with backgrounds in studio photography, art history, and museum or archival studies.??

Graduates of the program have the skills and knowledge to properly care for photography collections, and they go on to careers as curators, archivists, registrars, and a range of other photography-related professions.