The Master of Science in Health Services and Policy is a 37-credit, three-semester course of study designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to conduct high quality Health Services and Policy analysis.

We meet this goal by providing students with a multi-disciplinary foundation in the fundamental elements of health services research including economics, epidemiology, health policy, biostatistics, decision analysis, organizational theory, psychology, and comparative effectiveness analysis.

Students completing the program will be well prepared to take positions in a wide variety of private and public institutions engaged in health care management, health services research, or health policy work.

Upon completion, students will:

  • Appreciate the multi-disciplinary nature of health services research
  • Understand the structure, financing, and performance of the US health care system
  • Be familiar with quantitative and qualitative analyses of health care services and policy
  • Understand the basic principles of statistical analysis, econometrics, quality assessment and comparative effectiveness analysis
  • Understand current methods used to formulate health care policy
  • Know how to conduct basic statistical tests and regression analysis.