The M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering can be earned by either one of two plans:

  • Completion of a thesis (Plan I), which reports a creative investigation of a defined problem
  • Passing a comprehensive examination

For the M.S. degree, students must meet a minimum residency requirement of three quarters, one complete academic year, in the University of California. At least two of these three quarters must be spent at UCR. Registration in at least 4 units of 100 or 200 level course work is necessary for each quarter of academic residence. Students should enroll in 12 units each quarter unless the Graduate Advisor grants an exception.

The M.S. degree Plan I (Thesis) requires completion of a minimum of 36 units of upper-division and graduate-level approved course work and submission of an acceptable thesis. At least 24 of these units must be in graduate courses (200-series courses), a minimum of sixteen of these being Mechanical Engineering graduate courses (ME 200 or higher, excluding ME 250, ME 290, ME 297, ME 298I, and ME 299). No more than 8 units of course work may be satisfied with directed studies (ME 290) or individual internship (ME 298I). Students must defend the thesis.

The M.S. degree, Plan II (Comprehensive Examination) requires completion of a minimum of 36 units of upper-division and graduate-level approved course work and successfully passing a comprehensive examination. At least 24 of these units must be in graduate courses (200 course series), a minimum of 16 of these being Mechanical Engineering graduate courses (ME 200 or higher, excluding ME 250, ME 290, ME 297, ME 298I, and ME 299). The student must take 3 units of seminar (ME 250) and no more than 7 units of directed studies (ME 290) or individual internship (ME 298I).