• The department's professional activities include teaching, research, and extension functions. The program provides an educational, research, and informational center in food science for North Carolina and the nation. The department also houses two research centers, the Southeast Dairy Foods Research Center and the Center for Advanced Processing and Packaging Studies. Course offerings and research opportunities are available in the following areas: chemistry-biochemistry, engineering, microbiology, nutrition, and processing technology. The strategic directions of the faculty and staff are in the areas of food safety and foodborne disease prevention; food manufacturing and entrepreneurship; instructional innovation and effectiveness; and, foods for health and well-being.
  • NC State’s program attracts students from a variety of academic backgrounds, including those with degrees in agricultural science, biochemistry, and engineering. NC State offers a non-thesis and a thesis degree option. Admission to either degree option is limited by faculty time commitments and financial resources.
  • M.S. in Food Science – Thesis
    • General knowledge of food science and related disciplines allows graduates to conduct, analyze, and communicate research in academic or industry settings. Courses include chemistry, engineering, microbiology, processing, nutrition, and sensory analysis.
  • Master of Food Science – Non-Thesis
    • This 36 credit hour, the non-thesis option provides graduates with the skills to communicate core product and quality concepts in an industry setting. The curriculum emphasizes food product development and food safety. It also develops an understanding of the business structure, as well as organizational, teamwork, and communication skills.