• Chemical engineers create, develop, and apply processes in which molecules undergo changes in chemical structure, physical state, or temperature. In many ways, chemical engineers are modern-day alchemists.
  • Instead of turning lead into gold, however, they design and operate processes which, for example:
    • convert crude oil into cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, petroleum products, automobile tires, synthetic fibers, dyes, and plastics;
    • prevent pollutants from entering the air and water and recover valuable chemicals;
    • transform agricultural material into high fructose corn syrup (beverage sweetener), ethanol, and many food additives; and
    • manufacture textiles, personal care products (shampoo, soaps, pain relievers), microchips, paper, paints, and all manner of chemicals.
  • There is a definite distinction between chemical engineers and their nearest scientific relatives, chemists. Chemists are primarily concerned with whether a molecule can be synthesized at all and what series of steps might achieve the highest yield of the final product. Chemical engineers, on the other hand, are focused on minimizing the generation of environmental pollutants, and manufacturing the product inexpensively, safely, and insufficient quantity and purity to meet the needs of the consumers and the requirements of regulatory agencies. This description indicates the broad range of issues and areas in which chemical engineers might find themselves involved. Treating environmental pollutants, analyzing the economics of a process, and accounting for the health and safety issues of products and processes are just some of the functions undertaken by chemical engineers.