• The Master of Science in Biological and Agricultural Engineering (MS) is intended for students interested in advanced research in biological engineering. The MS degree is a thesis-based degree for those individuals who want to pursue a research-oriented degree beyond the Bachelor of Science. Students are required to write a thesis and defend it at the final oral examination. A minor is optional.
  • Program objectives:
    • Enable students and practitioners from many disciplines to study the technical and engineering aspects of the design and analysis of environmental systems with an emphasis on the watershed scale.
    • Provide students the opportunity to develop a solid foundation in engineering systems targeted at environmental issues, particularly related to non-point sources and their impact on water quality at the watershed scale.
    • Provide practicing engineers and other professionals a source of graduate-level engineering education in the environmental field.
  • Areas of specialization:
    • Bioprocess Engineering
    • Controlled Environments for Agriculture
    • Data Analytics and Integrated Modeling
    • Ecological Engineering
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Precision Agriculture and Machine Systems
    • Sustainable Waste Management