• A Master of Engineering Management (MEM) provides students with leadership skills that apply to technical industries, like engineering. Students will build connections with peers, professors, and professionals who have similar experiences and goals. Students in the program may come from different engineering fields, but they all have a STEM background.
  • Students will graduate with their MEM prepared to take on leadership roles within engineering, technology, and scientific organizations.
  • A full-time MEM takes as few as 12 months to complete.
  • The Master of Engineering Management (MEM) degree meets students' needs, first, by deepening their science and engineering abilities. Second, by broadening their critical management skills. National employer demand for masters-level engineering managers increased by 59 percent between 2013 and 2017. North Carolina employer demand grew 64 percent during that same time frame. Engineering management degrees provide students the skills necessary to manage and succeed in today’s complex engineering environments and put them in high demand.