• Agriculture impacts everyone’s life in terms of food, water, air, clothing, homes, and quality of life. Central to the department’s goals is the formal and nonformal teaching of problem-solving and learning skills for a lifetime of growing, evolving, and changing. The Agricultural Science degree provides graduates with both agricultural skills and leadership skills that are essential to leadership positions in the agricultural industry.
  • Regardless of which degree option students choose, the curriculum in agricultural and extension education has some common features. It begins with the general education courses that are required throughout the university. These courses are essential to developing a well-educated graduate. The second component of the agricultural and extension education program provides students with a broad understanding of agriculture. Students complete introductorily and advanced courses in various agricultural disciplines. These courses will develop the student's knowledge in agriculture essential to providing information to a wide variety of clients. This exposure to so many areas of agriculture also helps students decide on a specific area of agriculture in which to specialize. The third component of the department’s program requires students to complete a specialty area or a concentration in at least one area of agriculture.