Throughout the program offered by , students engage in design and scholarship that offers new insights into the role of architecture in our culture, civilization, and environment. Within this context our students challenge existing conventions and offer innovative approaches germane to the critical issues facing the profession of architecture and the world today.

A range of activities and experiences such as lectures, exhibits, study tours, internships, studios, and project reviews provide opportunities for educational and professional engagement on the local, regional, national, and international levels.


Our employment placement rate is nearly 100% with graduates working at a variety of firms throughout the country, in public and private sectors, and in related fields such as landscape architecture and urban planning; restoration and preservation; industrial, furniture, lighting, or material design; graphic design and photography; production design; education and innovation.

Recent data suggests architects earn a median salary of $76,100 per year in the United States. Salaries typically start from $46,080 and go up to $125,520, depending upon geographic location, experience, and size/focus of firm.