The program is offered by . Students in this field are challenged to think globally and to develop an awareness of the cultural, political, and economic aspects of business.

Strengths of the program
  • Recently Ranked: US News National Ranking - 15th.
  • Four professional full-time advisors are available to assist in students' academic course planning.
  • All business and economics courses are taught in a state-of-the-art building containing classrooms with Internet connections and the latest audiovisual technology.
  • Five of the department's faculty members are Fulbright scholars who have conducted in-depth research in other nations.
  • Professors in the program have lived, taught, and worked in many countries.
  • Learn from experienced, award-winning faculty who come from all departments in the college.

WSU graduates in international business will be prepared for success in overseas assignments, staff positions that advise top management on international operations, positions with global responsibilities, consultant work with companies, and a world of additional opportunities.