The program is offered by . Food Science is a multidisciplinary science that applies biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, nutrition, and other sciences to improve the safety and quality of food products; develop new food products; and design new, safer, and more energy efficient food preservation methods.

Food scientists strive to improve the microbial and chemical safety of foods, and enhance the quality of foods through traditional and emerging technologies. Food scientists conduct research to improve food safety and quality, identify beneficial food ingredients and develop new food products, extend the shelf life of foods, and identify environmentally friendly food preservation technologies.

The food processing industry is continually challenged to evaluate existing foods for quality and to develop new foods that meet consumer demands and the nutritional needs of the world. Food science students learn to convert food commodities into high quality, safe and nutritious food products.

In the bachelor's degree program at WSU, students learn the science and the practical skills involved in production, processing, preservation, safety, evaluation, and distribution of foods.

Strengths of the program
  • Gain practical technical and leadership skills in the state-of-the-art WSU Creamery, where world-renowned Cougar Gold Cheese® is made.
  • Students work on meaningful, real-world projects. For instance, a group of food science students developed and marketed a new sports drink that is now in stores in the Northwest.
  • Engage in product development and food judging competitions—everything from dairy product evaluation to developing new foods.
  • Internships available in faculty research laboratories, food companies, non-governmental entities, and regulatory agencies.

Food scientists are employed around the world by large and small food processing companies, food ingredient suppliers, food quality assurance and testing labs, federal and state governmental agencies, and academia.

Potential jobs:

  • Food Quality Assurance, 
  • Food Chemist, 
  • Food Microbiologist, 
  • Food Safety Officer or Inspector, 
  • Food Safety Auditor, 
  • Food Product Development,
  • Food Engineer, 
  • Food Inspector,