The program is offered by .?Most students conclude their MS studies with a thesis, where the goal is a publishable contribution. The requirements are given below and are subject to completion after entering the masters program.

All graduates will be able to:

1. To prepare students for professional careers:

  • Attain knowledge and expertise in core disciplinary areas.
  • Think critically and develop creative solutions to scientific problems.
  • Effectively communicate the results of their research.
  • Become visible members of the scientific community taking organizational and service roles.

2.?To enable students to become effective researchers and teachers:

  • Recognize important scientific problems and contribute to solving them.
  • Master the field, laboratory, data analysis and theoretical skills necessary to perform the research.
  • Write research grant proposals or otherwise obtain research funding (expectation is higher for PhD students).
  • Become effective teachers in field, laboratory and lecture-room settings.

3.?To provide scientific leadership and expertise at the local, state and national levels:

  • Attract and retain world-class faculty in appropriate disciplinary areas.
  • Assist students to engage in outreach activities.
  • prepare students to successfully compete for jobs in industry, academia, and government.