Students in the Master of Science program in the Computer Science Department are prepared to be technical problem solvers, are competent in the state of the art, and have mastered a particular aspect of Computer Science. All students are active in at least one of the Department's research labs and work closely with a faculty advisor in the completion of their M.S. thesis. Consequently, students are able to engage in further research where computers will have a significant impact. M.S. graduates are an asset to their employers as they demonstrate increased insight into solving problems, and are able to manage and complete significant projects. Graduates are prepared with a solid background in both theoretical foundations and practical training for the lifelong learning necessary in this fast-moving field.
Appropriate Knowledge
Students will be able to teach computer science concepts at the university level.
Effective Analysis
Students will think deeply and originally about open problems in the field, suggest solutions and pursue those solutions to their logical conclusions while developing further understanding of the underlying problems.
Fruitful Teaching Experience
Students have professional and fruitful experience teaching in the Computer Science discipline.
Effective Technical Communication Skills
Students have experience teaching their specialization to peers.
Research Skills
Students plan and conduct new research in the field.
Effective Publications
Students add to the dialogue of the field by producing multiple publications directly related to their dissertation research.