Develop advanced analytical skills needed to maximize organizational performance and oversee more efficient operations.

Coursework in the?Operations and Technology Management program offereed by University of Portland?is based on foundational concepts and tools from operations management, quantitative methods, and information systems.?

Our MSOTM program opens doors in a wide range of careers including financial services, high technology, healthcare, manufacturing, insurance, finance, and sports.?

Participants study the business processes that create and deliver goods and services, as well as how to use technology to make those processes more productive and purposeful.?The U.S. government recognizes expertise in the data science fields, such as this degree in operations and technology management, as an important driver of innovation and job creation. It is also a designation that is highly regarded by employers.

The Master of Science in Operations and Technology Management (M.S.O.T.M) program creates leaders who can manage the complexities of modern enterprises by achieving competitive advantage through the use of operations and technology. The curriculum is rigorous and quantitative in operations and technology management and integrates theories and applications from business analytics, decision modeling, networking & telecommunications, process modeling, project and quality management, supply chain management and systems analysis & design.?

Program Highlights:?

  • An interdisciplinary program that combines the study of operations management with information systems to enable the graduate to enhance an organization's efficiency and effectiveness
  • Opens doors to a wide range of careers including financial services, high technology, healthcare, manufacturing, insurance, finance, and sports
  • Study business processes that utilize technology to make those processes more productive, practical, and purposeful
  • 33 credit hour flexible program designed for working professionals
  • Ability to choose between two concentrations of study through individual selected electives: operations management or information services