This framework comprises a standards-driven, learner-centered, assessment-informed, collaborative approach through which teachers, administrators and other school personnel develop the knowledge, dispositions, and skills deemed essential for effective professionals.

Standards for Advanced Professionals: The College of Education Standards for Advanced Professionals address the knowledge, dispositions, and skills required for school personnel completing initial and advanced/administrative preparation. These standards present the advanced professional as reflective, inquiry-oriented, cognizant of cultural diversity and individual differences, able to communicate effectively, aware of the research in his/her field, and able to assume leadership responsibilities.

Professional Studies and Research: The professional accesses, reads, and interprets the literature in his/her field and applies information from the research to professional practice.

Theoretical Foundations: The professional understands the theoretical foundations of the profession and applies knowledge of theoretical foundations to professional practice.

Professional Practice: The professional recognizes and addresses current issues in the profession, solves problems encountered in professional practice, and reflects on his/her professional practice and its effects.

Exceptionality and Diversity: The professional addresses issues of exceptionality and cultural diversity in his/her professional practice.

Technology: The professional uses technology in his/her professional practice.

Assessment: The professional uses a variety of formal and informal assessments to evaluate his/her performance and the performance of others.

Management of the Work Environment: The professional creates and maintains a safe and productive work environment.

Leadership: The professional assumes leadership roles in the profession and shares knowledge and expertise with others in the profession and community.

Interpersonal Skills: The professional fosters and maintains positive work relationships and models effective oral and written communication.

Personal Characteristics: The professional displays the beliefs, values, and behaviors that guide the ethical dimensions of professional practice.?