The primary objectives related to the graduate Theatre program are to help students develop the following competencies:

  • A highly developed understanding of the history and literature of the art.
  • The ability to read, understand, and critique scholarly theatre-related essays and books.
  • The ability to contribute to general theatre scholarship.
  • The demonstrated ability to continue with graduate work toward a terminal degree, whether a master's degree or doctorate.
  • To develop pedagogical skills enabling the students to pass on their knowledge to others.
  • Knowledge of theatre as a social and aesthetic experience.
  • Knowledge of the history of the theatre and related dramatic literature.
  • Competence in basic acting and directing skills.
  • Competence in technical aspects of theatre.
  • Competence in study skills.
  • Competence in research skills.
  • Competence in thinking clearly, logically, and independently.?