The primary objectives related to the undergraduate Theatre Program (B.A.) are to help all students obtain a level of achievement appropriate to entry-level professionals in their specialty areas:

  • Knowledge of theatre as a social and aesthetic experience.
  • Knowledge of the history of theatre and related dramatic literature.
  • Competence in basic acting, directing, and technical skills.
  • Competence in study and research skills.
  • Ability to think clearly, logically, and independently.
  • Ability to effectively communicate and work within a collaborative art.

The theatre curriculum is designed to provide not only a humanistic awareness of our history and civilization through a study of dramatic literature and theatre history, but also to allow the student to pursue courses of study which develop skills and techniques applicable to the production of plays and other theatrical media. A balance between theoretical and practical courses is offered in several degree programs. A theatre degree can lead to careers in such varying areas as theatre, television, film, arts administration, education, journalism, public relations, personnel work, sales, government work, and law.