The Master of Arts in Teaching program at?Chatham University?is designed for students planning teaching careers in?PreK?4,?Middle Level?(Grades 4-8),?K?12 Art Education, and?Secondary?education. Areas of study in Secondary education include biology, chemistry, English, mathematics, social studies, and physics.

Applicants? transcripts will be reviewed to determine whether students have completed the academic requirements specified by the Pennsylvania Department of Education in the standards for the desired certification area. Undergraduate requirements for certification in a given area can be completed before a student begins the MAT program or can be completed at Chatham along with the MAT curriculum.

The Master of Arts in Teaching degree is a professional program that recommends students for teacher certification in PreK-4 education (PreK-4) and secondary (7-12), biology, chemistry, English, mathematics, physics, and social studies certification. The MAT also offers K-12 certification in art, which requires some coursework in both elementary and secondary education. Candidates interested in art or secondary education should hold a bachelor?s degree in their specific field. Education courses are held both in class and online.

This program involves both classroom study and extensive field experiences, culminating in a fulltime, semester long Student Teaching experience. In accordance with the Pennsylvania State Department of Education (PDE) requirements, candidates must satisfy all regulations pertaining to teacher training contained in the Pennsylvania School Code. These regulations are subject to change by the State. Students will be required to comply with any such regulations that are instituted before they can apply for certification through PDE. In addition, students must have a valid (less than one year old) Child Abuse, Pennsylvania Criminal History and Federal Criminal History Record to enter a school for any and all field work. A P.P.D Tuberculin (TB) Test and a physical exam may also be required to complete field work.