• The Master of Science in Computer Engineering in University of Pittsburgh is a 1- 1.5 years program.
  • The minimum requirements for the research track are 24 credits of graduate course work and preparation and defense of a thesis on a topic in the student's primary area of interest.
  • For the professional option, the minimum requirement is 30 credits of graduate course work.
  • Graduate course work in Computer Engineering includes computer architecture, microprocessor systems, VLSI design, design automation for VLSI, software engineering, computer networks, and automata theory. 
  • Faculty/student research includes projects in algorithm development, digital implementation of real-time systems, multiprocessor systems, parallel computer architectures, computer-aided engineering, optical computing, VLSI architectures, computer-aided design for VLSI, microprocessor systems, homogeneous and heterogeneous architectures, parallel performance modeling and analysis, cluster computing, and computer and communication networks. 
  • Department laboratories that support this research are the Optical Computing Systems Laboratory, Pittsburgh Integrated Circuits Analysis (PICA) Laboratory, the Pitt Parallel Computer Laboratory, the Network Communications Laboratory, the Jurenko Computer Architecture Laboratory, and the Swanson Embedded Computing and Interfacing Laboratory.