• The Carnegie Mellon University offers B.A in English program for a duration of 4 years.
  • It is an on-campus and Full time course.
  • This program stress the connections between how textual meaning and the cultures in which texts are created and read.
  • While studying this program student can explore how what people were doing, thinking, and feeling shape how they create and interpret texts at different times and places.
  • Student will learn social categories such as class, race, or gender influence the creation and interpretation of texts.
  • Student can emphasize the importance of theory to the interpretation as well as production of texts.
  • At last, student will able to read a sampling of the most influential thought about how literature and media function in culture to create assumptions, ideas and emotions about the world. 
  • Students also learn to do in-depth, original research in literature, media, and culture and gain skills in presenting that research in print and oral forms.
  • As student could builds strengths in writing, speaking, and analytical thinking, this degree is excellent preparation for a variety of professional and business careers.
  • Job opportunities after the B.A in English,and the average salary goes up to 60,570USD