An interim adviser is appointed for each student upon admission to a graduate degree in applied mechanics. The interim adviser will serve as the primary mentor until the student finds a research adviser. It is the responsibility of the student to find an academic and research adviser within three terms of graduate residence at Caltech. In consultation with the adviser, the student must form a Ph.D. thesis advisory committee within four terms of graduate residence at Caltech. This committee shall consist of at least three members of the Caltech professorial faculty, with at least two members from the faculty in mechanical and civil engineering. The committee shall meet as requested by the student. Further, the committee shall meet annually to review progress and to approve the registration of the student beyond the fifth year of graduate residence at Caltech.

The adviser and the thesis advisory committee provide the majority of mentoring to the student. In addition, the option representative and other members of the faculty are always available to provide advice and mentoring on any aspect of research, progress toward the Ph.D., future careers, and other aspects of life in graduate school and as a professional scientist.