The faculty who lead this major, currently involved with research pertaining to residuated lattices, population genetics, and hypercomplex analysis teach students how to seek innovation in a multitude of disciplines using the language of math.???The mathematics degree is designed to be highly flexible, and beyond traditional math courses, students are able to take electives in a variety of topics, including:

  • Computer science
  • Economic science
  • Computational sciences

With a high degree of access to the faculty, students have the opportunity to receive a math education in a hands-on environment and participate in a variety of faculty/student research, including such topics as signal processing and statistical genetics. Faculty and student co-authorship of scholarly work is considered a primary goal.Some career options include:

  • Bioinformatics
  • Computational sciences
  • Actuarial sciences
  • Financial analysis
  • Experimental economics
  • Science
  • Pure mathematics research
  • Engineering
  • Data security

This degree is also highly beneficial to all those interested in studies at the graduate level and a career in math education.? Alumni have gone on to highly accredited graduate programs (such as UCLA, Notre Dame and the University of Washington), attained positions at such notable companies as Kia Motors and Performance Team Freight, and have become self-employed consultants.