You’ll learn how manufacturing, retailing, investments, banking and other financial services operate in a global environment. Whether you work in the domestic market or international setting, you’ll be able to assess competition effectively.

An integral part of the curriculum for the bachelor’s in international business is the opportunity to live and learn abroad through annual trips to China, Germany and the Dominican Republic. You’ll have the chance to gain expertise in a foreign language while exploring the economic and cultural fabric of another country.


The average starting salary for a Creighton graduate in International Business is $47,000.

Large and small companies search for employees who understand global business and can successfully operate in the international marketplace. As companies expand their business activities around the world, they seek people who combine the possession of solid business skills, expertise in solving global business problems, an awareness and understanding of different cultures, and in some cases, a working ability in a second language.

Most careers in international business are with U.S. corporations that have international operations, though companies that are based overseas and have substantial U.S. operations also provide good prospects.