Under the co-exchange agreement that allows Saint Mary's and Notre Dame students to take courses on either campus, students in the dual degree program take all pre-engineering courses (e.g., chemistry, mathematics, and physics), as well as other courses required to satisfy the degree requirements, at Saint Mary's College. They take all engineering courses at the University of Notre Dame.

The dual degree engineering program's greatest benefit is that it offers students the best of both worlds:

  • At Saint Mary's, students enjoy small classes and personal attention from faculty, helping them to thrive in demanding science, mathematics, and general education courses.?Saint Mary's students also benefit from the uniquely challenging and supportive environment of a women's college. Their liberal arts foundation gives them strong critical thinking, problem-solving, writing, and communications skills.
  • At Notre Dame, students gain an excellent technical education in engineering. They have access to cutting-edge laboratories, equipment, and research facilities right across the street.?Along with their Saint Mary's and Notre Dame alumni networks, students in the program can tap into an expanded network for internship and job opportunities.