The science and humanities courses prepare students both for study of chemical engineering and to understand the complex scientific, social, and moral issues of the world today.

Their intention in emphasizing fundamentals is to develop students' intellect and to equip them with enduring knowledge in chemical engineering and related fields. Thus, their undergraduate chemical engineering curriculum provides students with not only a preparation for a career as chemical engineer, but its status as the ultimate "liberal science" degree prepares them for a lifetime of learning and a lifelong career in areas that may include Law, Medicine, or Business.

In accord with ABET, graduates of their program should achieve the following Objectives within a few years of graduation:

  • Have obtained or be on a track toward employment commensurate with a Chemical Engineering degree.
  • Affirm that the university and department provided proper training and background to enable their desired career path.
  • Show some evidence of seeking to contribute to the greater good of society.
  • Engage in continual professional development and personal learning.