Students gain the knowledge and tools to study, understand, predict and control behavior and can choose to study many of psychology's stimulating subfields: biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, cognition, consciousness, development, personality, stress and coping, social behavior and abnormal behavior.

These key concepts in psychology are paired with courses in a variety of arts and sciences topics such as biological science, computer science, physical science and mathematics. An emphasis on statistics and research courses helps Psychology students develop exceptional analytical, scientific and critical-thinking skills that are applicable in many different fields of employment. A unique internship program at a local mental health-care facility gives Psychology students a strong foundation for the pursuit of graduate study in Psychology or related disciplines.

Students are also encouraged to join the Psychology Club in order to find graduate school and career options, to meet students and faculty in the department and to learn about volunteer and internship opportunities. The club also provides information for students about research being conducted in the department and how to get involved.

Degree OptionsYour FutureColleges and universitiesHospitalsResearch institutesPublic policy institutesGovernment agenciesCompanies and corporationsAdvertising agenciesSchool systemsResidential facilities

A Psychology student graduates with a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science in Psychology degree. Although both degrees provide preparation for advanced studies, the Bachelor of Science degree is designed to give applicants a more competitive standing for admission to doctoral training. The Bachelor of Science in Psychology requires an application approval from a faculty member and candidates have the opportunity to design their own research project with guidance from a faculty adviser. This culminates in undergraduate theses that provide preparation for graduate school. OU also offers Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Psychology and offer a minor program in Psychology. In addition, a Masters of Arts in Organizational Dynamics degree is offered on the OU-Tulsa campus.