The Mechanical Engineering program is offered by New Jersey Institute of Technology. To educate mechanical engineering graduates to help the state, and the country in general, to stay competitive at the cutting edge of technology, to serve the profession of engineering, to become leaders in business, academia, industry, and the community and to engage in a lifetime of learning and achievement to benefit mankind.

The program educational objectives are our expectations of the accomplishments and characteristics of the careers of our graduates. The current Mechanical Engineering program educational objectives are:

Objective 1: We expect our graduates to be successfully engaged in the mechanical engineering design processes and the practical application of engineering theory, methods and practices, including alternative energy systems, manufacturing, controls, robotics, materials, and biomedical systems and devices.

Objective 2: We expect our graduates to advance their professional growth and development through activities such as graduate study in engineering, professional registration, and continuing education, with some graduates transitioning into other professional fields.

Objective 3: We expect our graduates to be effectively engaged in service to their professional societies as well as their local, national or global communities.