?Environmental and Urban Studies (EUS) is an?interdisciplinary program that examines the?interdependence of human societies and the?physical environment. The program strives to?ensure that majors have a solid background in?the physical sciences, humanities, economics,?and policy. It also aims to enhance students??understanding of the complexities of environmental?and urban issues and their awareness of?interrelationships between built and ?natural??environments.
The program allows students to engage intellectually?with people across disciplines, and acquire?practical skill sets and hands-on experience?addressing urban and environmental challenges.?Students take several rigorous interdisciplinary?and disciplinary core courses, complete?an internship and a practicum, and attend the?EUS Colloquium. To balance transdisciplinary?breadth with depth in a particular discipline,?students also take intermediate and advanced?courses in a chosen focus area. Expertise developed?through focus area studies prepares the?student for the Senior Project.