The Naval Architecture program is offered by SUNY Maritime College.

As a naval architect, you will be responsible for designing strong, stable, seaworthy and effective vessels. To prepare you for that important role, Maritime’s talented faculty will teach you specialized and technical knowledge and skills.

Before you graduate, you will spend your last year and a half working on a special capstone project in which you and a team of other students design your own unique vessel.

If you are interested in working onboard a commercial vessel, you may pursue a U.S. Coast Guard deck or engine license. If you choose to pursue a license, you will work and sail onboard the college Training Ship Empire State VI. Both license programs also require membership in the college’s regiment of cadets. Earning a Coast Guard license does not require military service.

  • In the deck program, you will focus on learning navigation, cargo handling and a variety of ship systems.

  • The engine program focuses on powering and controlling a ship’s engine and energy systems.

If you plan to pursue a career on land, the Naval Architecture program also offers a industry internship option. In that option, you will pursue two professional internships, which will allow you to apply what you have learned in the classroom and build your network of professional connections.