• The program provides with a wide range of professional skills and techniques as soon as start.
  • Students will take your first nursing course freshman year and gain hands-on clinical experience as a sophomore, a year earlier than most schools.
  • State-of-the-art training from some of the most respected instructors in the industry can lead to career possibilities like a nurse practitioner or nursing administrator.
  • The Clinical Education Labs (CEL) offer state-of-the-art resources and a variety of clinical focused learning opportunities ranging from fundamental skills to high fidelity simulation to give students a competitive advantage when looking for their first nursing job.
  • Skill trainers, Human Patient Simulators, Standardized Patients (actors who play the role of patients), and hospital-like settings and clinic-simulated environments provide students the opportunity to practice skills at basic and advanced levels across the curriculum and improve performance in a safe and nurturing environment through scenario based educational experiences.
  • Video capture allows student self-evaluation and opportunities to identify areas for improvement in small group debriefing sessions.