The particular mission of the Sy Syms School of Business is to be the business school appropriate to Yeshiva University, a university with a unique mission of Torah Umadda that emphasizes quality teaching and research, highly respected by students, parents, alumni and our academic colleagues.
We shall:
- Offer quality undergraduate programs that equip students for meaningful and challenging careers
- Offer competitive graduate and executive programs, complementing other programs at YU, to a wide student population
- Assure that our programs have a clear ethical basis and a global orientation
- Inculcate Jewish values in our courses and programs
- Embrace alumni and the business community and involve them in our programs
- Conduct research that addresses issues that matter and make meaningful contributions to practice and theory
Other possible career paths stemming from an accounting background include working in the accounting department of a large publicly traded company, working for the IRS or going into tax law or investment banking.