- You will also have a choice between two distinct concentrations. In the art studio concentration you may focus your craft towards digital art, painting and drawing, photography, printmaking, or sculpture. Students interested in studying the masters and the full spectrum of technique and style may elect to pursue the art history concentration.
- You?ll have a vast collection of resources at your command, including a computer lab with industry-standard technology; an in-house slide library with ongoing digitization of more than 80,000 slides; a print library with reference books, art films, and subscriptions to art journals and periodicals; large amounts of studio space and storage; and a variety of equipment needed for drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, sculpture, and digital media. You?ll also display your artwork in one or both of UNO?s galleries: one on-campus facility for the exhibition of our undergraduates? art and the other located off-campus in New Orleans?s burgeoning St. Claude Arts District for the display of our M.F.A. thesis work as well as numerous visiting artists.
- A thorough understanding of and overall skills in the visual arts require more than resources, though. That?s why you?ll also be encouraged to compete in regional and national exhibitions, and required to mount a professional exhibition before graduation. We also encourage you to explore off-campus study in our summer programs in Rome and Prague, where you can study and appreciate the most historically and culturally significant works of art. You can also participate in our artist exchange program in Innsbruck, where you'll have the chance to create and display your work for a discerning international audience. Additionally, we regularly host visiting artists and lecturers from all over the world, so that you can study their work and meet working artists for their perspectives and techniques.