Tulane University, International Health Programs

Students in the IHP concentration are required to take the SPHTM core courses (18 credits), five IHP courses (11 credits), and two required topical area courses (four credits, selected from eight possible courses).

Students select an additional 12 hours of elective coursework to support their focal areas of interest (e.g. M&E, reproductive health, population dynamics, development, program management, malaria, HIV).

These elective courses may be selected from courses offered within the department, school, or university. Students are also expected to complete a practicum in the area of international health as part of this concentration.

Employment Opportunities for Graduates

Graduates of the IHP concentration may accept jobs as: entry -level project coordinators, desk officers, or program/project managers in: local, state, and federal health departments; NGOs, private voluntary organizations (PVOs) and faith-based organizations; federal agencies involved in domestic and international work, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID); United Nations, World Bank, and other multi-national agencies.