The Tulane University, Management in Energycurriculum was developed by faculty who specialize in energy and by industry professionals who work with our faculty and recruit our students.

Specialized courses include energy accounting, energy data analysis, energy economics, energy investment banking, energy modeling, energy portfolio management, energy risk management, energy strategy, and energy trading.

The energy and finance courses are taught in our $3 million dollar trading center that is equipped with industry-leading technology, data bases, and trading software from Trading Technologies, Thompson Reuters, MorningStar, MathWorks, and 1Derrick.Graduates of the program are prepared to pursue career opportunities with energy companies, banks, trading organizations, utilities, ISOs, financial services and consulting firms, and regulatory agencies.

Acquire Freeman-exclusive experience in energy finance and trading that you can leverage in career placement. As a Freeman student, you’ll gain the knowledge you need to fast track your career in energy with earned and justified confidence.


As part of our summer “boot camp,” MME students visit offshore production platforms, power plants and refineries to better understand energy products, technologies and logistical challenges.


As an MME student, you’ll gain hands-on experience with many of the industry’s leading hardware and software products. Our state-of-the-art Trading Center is equipped with industry-leading software from vendors including Thomson Reuters, Trading Technologies, Morningstar, MatLab, 1Derrick and TradeStation.


Our Career Management Center offers unlimited one-on-one advising, an interview-coaching program and year-round networking opportunities including the Freeman Energy Expo in Houston, which features company visits and a networking reception with recruiters and alumni.