The joint degree program typically requires three years of study for the Master of Arts in Religion/Master of Public Health and four years of study for the Master of Divinity/Master of Public Health. The Divinity and Public Health degrees are awarded simultaneously at the conclusion of the designated period of study.

A joint degree is more than simply a list of courses taken at both Schools. It is an integrated educational program which is designed to achieve a combination of the two programs in a way that is complementary to both while protecting the integrity of each separate program.

MAR/MPH: The normal pattern for this joint degree requires candidates to spend the entire first year almost exclusively in one school and the entire second year almost exclusively in the other. In the third year, they register for one semester in each school, and complete both programs by the end of that year. Some students pursue other schedules of attending courses at the two schools.

MDIV/MPH: The normal pattern for this joint degree requires candidates to spend the entire first year almost exclusively in one school and the entire second year almost exclusively in the other. In the third and fourth years, students register for three semesters in the Divinity school and one semester in the School of Public Health, and complete both programs by the end of the fourth year