• Master of Science in Energy Systems Engineering at Rutgers University-New Jersey is a 2-year program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on both a full-time and a part-time basis.
  • The program promotes interdisciplinary collaboration by integrating technology and science with business, IT, public policy, and regulatory study to provide students with the building blocks needed to succeed in the energy field. 
  • Students get hands-on learning experience which is a key component of this program.
  • Students will complete a related internship or independent hands-on project as part of their training.
  • The core engineering courses cover a wide spectrum of energy-related subjects including:
    • Power grid
    • Smart grid
    • Energy forms and value chain
    • Natural gas and shale gas production and transport
    • Smart cities and communities
    • Green transportation
  • Students have to sucessfully complete 30 credits for this program.