• Master of Public Health at the Rutgers University-New Jersey is a 2-year program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • The program provides students with a clear understanding of the roles of the core disciplines in public health.
  • It also provides students with sufficient knowledge of the theory and terminology used by these disciplines to allow effective participation in interdisciplinary public health efforts and with specialized skills in at least one public health discipline. 
  • Students have to successfully complete 45 credits for this program.
  • The core courses of the program include:
    • Health Systems and Policy
    • Introduction to Biostatistics
    • Introduction to Environmental Health
    • Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
    • Leadership and Management Essentials for Public Health
    • Social and Behavioral Health Sciences in Public Health
  • A practicum can provide the student with the opportunity to acquire, develop and improve communication skills, project management skills, and problem solving skills using public health methods, principles and techniques.