• The Rutgers Graduate Program in Atmospheric Science (GPAS) offers both M.S. and Ph.D degrees. GPAS faculty conduct research in a variety of topics, including climate dynamics from regional to global scales, synoptic meteorology and extreme events, tropical meteorology, paleoclimate, cloud and radiation physics, ocean-atmosphere interactions, land-atmosphere interactions, and climate-chemistry-aerosol interactions.
  • Any prospective student with a Bachelor's Degree or higher in a mathematical or scientific discipline is a candidate for the program.
  • Previous education in atmospheric sciences is not required for acceptance. Beginning students are required to have taken calculus through differential equations (usually 4 semesters), two semesters of physics for the sciences (including laboratory), one semester of atmospheric thermodynamics, and one semester of atmospheric dynamics. Ideally, these courses should be completed before the student enrolls; otherwise, they should be taken as soon as possible.
  • Students are also expected to be competent in computer programming in one or more high-level programming languages.