• The proposed program accomplishes several desirable goals for students interested in careers in biomedical science, clinical medicine and dentistry or public health.
  • Many students who follow a program in basic biomedical science find themselves drawn to a career in the pharmaceutical, academic or public policy areas that involve public health issues.
  • Similarly, some students who gain a degree in public health discover that they have inadequate preparation in the basic biomedical sciences.
  • This dual degree program allows students to gain expertise in the fields of biomedical science and public health and thus produces graduates able to solve problems common to both fields and communicate effectively with the respective professional workforces.
  • Examples of the potential value of this program include public health workers who understand the molecular biology of a pathogen who will be in a better position to analyze effective measures to help control the pathogen.
  •  Likewise, basic research scientists, working in an academic, pharmaceutical or biotech environment who understand the epidemiology of a pathogen will be in a better position to design experiments to critically assess ways of immobilizing or destroying the pathogen.
  • Public health officials trained in this program will be academically grounded in biomedical science and will be better prepared to address the complex problems facing the public health workforce in New Jersey and in the nation.
  • The program also benefits students interested in clinical careers by simultaneously preparing them for professional school while broadening their knowledge in public health, with the desired outcome of producing clinicians who are well trained in public health. 
  • It also allows students unsure of their career goals to explore their strengths and interests in basic science research and public health as they plan their professional paths.